This is Momma Katie's puppy Esmerelda. She is one of 8 - 6 girls, 2 boys. And a sweet, beautiful little girl she is!! She is a happy, social pup, as are all the pups of this litter.
These babies were born on 12/16/19; so, they are 8 weeks old right now (2/10/20) & ready for their forever families. All of these pups are very people-oriented, love to be with their foster parents, love to play with one another and their other foster siblings, and are also great with Jack the family cat.
To pursue adoption, please register on When you receive your password on your email account, please log back on to our website to complete the Safe at Last online adoption application. Once we have your application, we will email you to schedule the phone interview to commence the review process. Our process is very straightforward but does involve the phone interview, reference checks and a home assessment. An adoption fee of $400, and a refundable $35 spay/neuter deposit (required by NYS law), also apply.
These pups are being fostered in Worcester, NY (Otsego County). All approved adopters are required to come to the foster home to complete the adoption. (And you cannot meet the pups until you have applied with us, gone through our review process and been approved.)
Thank you for your interest & for choosing rescue. If you have any questions, please email us at
NYS Rescue Registry No. RR 087.
Other Pictures of Esmerelda (click to see larger version):