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Last Updated:
4/28/2024 7:34 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Good Morning Cindy, Tucker is wonderful! He is very sweet and curious. Last night he copied some of Shadow's movements...Shadow laid down, Tucker layer down. Emily and I each drove 1/2 of the trip home and Tucker did beautifully sitting on our laps. He slept a lot perhaps as a result of the rescue chew given to him or the motion of the car. . . Emily slept on the bed in the room with him and Tucker slept in the crate with the door opened. Emily put a divider in the crate so Tucker would have a smaller area and only sleep not poop in the crate. Emily brought him up onto the bed with her a few times. . . Thank you again for taking such good care of Tucker. We are grateful for your thoughtful, knowledgeable care of Tucker. Now that the puppies are gone, you can get some rest. Margaret