P.O. Box 36
Fultonham, NY 12071
Last Updated: 1/10/2025 1:56 PM © 2025 Safe At Last
Animal Success Stories
Update (4/28/16): Hi Cindy,
Where did Spring go? We have the wood stove going tonight!
I have attached some pictures as well as a picture of Hank's Neutering bill.
He was neutered today. If you need anything further please let me know.
He did very well today, vet actually called me at 12:30 to pick him up, he was
awake and wanted out of there ASAP!
He has been hard to contain......thinks he is superman! Vet not only thinks he
is the cutest puppy alive.....but also one that has a very high pain resistance as
she says he didn't seem to miss a beat....and was the fastest wake up she's ever
He just loves camp......you should see him bark at the deer target the boys have set up
for archery. They just change the head position and it's a whole new deer to Hank!
Trenton is planning on training him to track....they are using my camp slippers and my
feet.....I don't know if they are trying to tell me something, but when I leave my slippers
laying around, Hank sniffs them and then finds me and sniffs my feet! Trenton is assured
that this means he is going to make a fantastic tracking dog! I don't know for what, as we don't hunt, perhaps tracking for lost homework papers?
He has claimed his spot on the swing in front of the camp fire with Zoey....I think we are going to need a bigger swing!
He has slowed in his growing spurt, don't know if he will get much bigger, and boy is he smart! I will try and send you a video when he is fully healed, but he loves to climb up the ladder of the swing set and slide down the slide! I have only had one other dog be able to climb a ladder, my very first dog Timmy, he was a German Sheppard mix and I wish I had pictures, he had the same white tail tip as Hank does!!!!
I hope all is well with you and your adoptive perspectives! I check the facebook page often and share it on my FB as well.
Our best to everyone, human, canine and feline......
Alice and Hank
Update on Jonathan/now Hank (March 25, 2016):
Hi Cindy,
We did our first vet visit today and Hank (Jonathan) did just fantastic.
He is now 11.4 lbs of complete lovable energy! He has settled in here with
humans, canines, felines and pet birds like he was born here! We have
been out to visit camp,( I will forward that picture on separately)he loves to ride in the car. He has two favorite all time things to do.....ruff house with his older sister Zoey (our Jack Russel) and try and take the blue thing away from Trent when we are out playing ball
with Indy.....the blue thing being the "wand" that throws the tennis ball! He
just loves being cuddled by everyone and takes turns every night going from
lap to lap. We couldn't be happier with his adjustment into our family! Can't think of what it was like 3 weeks ago without him. Griffen, the African Grey calls his name every morning for breakfast......and if we find an accident (very few now) Griffen says
Ahhhh, Hank......
I have attached a few pictures. Love keeping up to date with his litter mates on facebook.
Hope all is well with you!
Hi Cindy,
So the final vote was Hank, with the thought of calling him Hank the Tank as
he grows into those paws......
He rode home like a champ in between both boys and playing with a new toy.
Our guys never missed a beat, Zoey laying on her back wanting to play and
Indy just trying to get close enough without sitting on him.
He kissed everybody!!!
He is sleeping on the couch with Zoey right now....
I have attached some pictures for you. I will keep you posted without
overwhelming you but we want you to know we couldn't be happier with
our new little addition!
Thanks so much,
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