Dino is a beautiful 55lb brindle Pit. He is an absolute love, low maintenance, happy just to sit by his people and get pet or chew a bone. He loves everyone he meets, with the tail wagging and body squirming in happiness whenever he's on the receiving end of attention. He really just wants to please and purrs when he's getting a rub down :-)
He is fully housebroken and crate trained, and no sign of aggression with food, bones, or other dogs. He has not met a cat or young child in his foster home yet; but his foster mom says that Dino is so mellow that it's likely he'd be fine (but would need to be tested). Dino is doing great with his smaller foster brother (a Catahoula mix) and lets him run the show.
In terms of medical, Dino is up-to-date on his vaccines and he is neutered. He did have heartworms, which were treated when he was in South Carolina before he came into our care. And he is all set to go to his forever home. His foster mom thinks he'd do great in a home with another dog, or on his own. He's a pretty "go with the flow" kind of guy. Check out the link to see Dino interacting with other dogs.
If you are interested in welcoming this great boy into your life, please register on our website www.safeatlast.net. When you receive your password on your email account, log back on to our website to complete the Safe at Last online adoption application. Once we have your application, we will be in touch by email to schedule the phone interview to commence the review process. Our process is straightforward but does involve the phone interview, reference checks and a home assessment. An adoption fee of $300 also applies.
Finally, we do not restrict adoptions by location. However, all approved adopters are required to go to the foster home (in this case Manchester Center, VT) to complete the adoption.
Thank you for choosing rescue & for your interest in this incredibly sweet boy. If you have any questions, please email us at info@safeatlast.net.
NYS Rescue Registry No. RR 087.
More about Dino
Good with Dogs
Other Pictures of Dino (click to see larger version):