P.O. Box 36
Fultonham, NY 12071
Last Updated: 3/12/2025 9:27 AM © 2025 Safe At Last
Animal Success Stories
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Hi Cindy!
The puppies are doing great! They are so much fun, and so much work! They have been to our vet twice. The first time they got Bordetella. And we started them on both heartworm and flea and tick prevention. The second time they got their rabies and Lepto vaccines. Brenna continues to get sick every time we take her in the car. But otherwise seems to be doing very well! She is almost twice the size of Asa at this point. We are working on socializing them and exposing them to as many new people and experiences as we can, following the advice of our vet. They can "sit" on command, and sometimes "come". They are so smart! Which, of course, means we have to keep a very close eye on them! Turns out they like phone chargers! They are getting along wonderfully with our Molly, who has appeared to have revived from in arthritic old woman to a teenager again!
Thanks again for everything. We love our new babies!
Update on Ali (now Morgan): Hi Cindy,
Ali (now Morgan), is settling in nicely! He is so loving, and funny. He
still doesn't realize that he is much bigger than the girls, and playing
with them isn't really an option!
We are so thankful that we found Safe at Last, and him! He is a joy to have
& we love him dearly. He really is an awesome pup!
Thank you for all you do!!
...And here is a picture of Morgan (on the right) sleeping next to his little sisters Moxie and Mila.
Hi Cindy!
It was a long ride, but SO worth it!!
The girls are doing ok with him, going to take a little time. He's just so
happy, and playful. And quite clumsy! Lol
I could not be happier! Thank you so much!!
He will be going to the vet the second week of May. I will email you in a
few days and let you know the date. I'll also send pics.
Here is Anya visiting her former foster mom (now Aunt Cindy) and having a play date with her "cousins" Maya and Jack and new foster pups Robin and Raven. Anya is one happy & feisty girl. A more joyful puppy, you could not find!! Aunt Cindy is happy she will be a part of Anya's life and get to watch her grow up into the gorgeous adult she is meant to be. Anya brings tons of happiness to her mom, Karin, and dad, Bob, who can't imagine life without her.
Hi Sharon,
I sent this a couple weeks back, must not have gone through!
I just wanted to thank you again for letting me adopt Amadeus (now called Brady.) He has been such a good puppy! He is almost totally potty trained. He knows how to sit and lay down, and we are starting to learn our name! He is a very smart and loving boy. He loves to just sit and cuddle with you. He loves all of his cousins, and is learning how to wear his seat belt in the car when we go to my mothers house on the weekends. I attached some pictures, he has already gotten bigger since I got him. How are his siblings doing? I would love to keep in touch with everyone and maybe get together once the puppies are a little older.
Hope all is well with you! I will definitely pass the information along to my mom on being a foster, I'm sure she would love it.
-Olivia and Brady :)
Ava is a complete love! She is so sweet, gentle, and smart. Last night she sampled the rooms and slept in our daughter's and ours. The kids have been playing with her all morning. Even though we really like the name Ava, I think we're going to give her a new name...Chelsea. Chelsea was the name of my first golden and she was brilliant. But kids go back and forth so I will let you know for sure. I will also send more pics!
Have a great Saturday and thank you!
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